Corporate Babble 101
I'll admit it, I'm a corporate hack. I use words like "innovation," "incrementalism" and "breakthrough" in my everyday language. When I try to explain my job, I have to translate the description that comes to my mind into words that people can actually understand.
That doesn't keep me from laughing when I see other companies putting that kind of BS out into the world at large. Case in point:

This is the new "brand identity" for the recently merged Wendy's/Arby's group. Ok, it's not terribly offensive... doesn't really do anything for me, but I didn't running screaming from the image. Their description of how they arrived at it, however?
Um. Whatever.
That doesn't keep me from laughing when I see other companies putting that kind of BS out into the world at large. Case in point:

This is the new "brand identity" for the recently merged Wendy's/Arby's group. Ok, it's not terribly offensive... doesn't really do anything for me, but I didn't running screaming from the image. Their description of how they arrived at it, however?
"The Wendy's/Arby's Group brand identity is designed not only as an acronym, but as a spiral continuum, maintaining the idea of continuous, flexible movement forward," said Margaret Wiatrowski, creative director, KCSA Strategic Communications. "The overall visual direction remains neutral by introducing entirely new elements to the combined entity, both formalistically and typographically. The two entities are symbolically combined through a mutual sense of innovation, authenticity and tradition."
Um. Whatever.