Friday, September 17, 2004

And I thought I had metro rage

So the Jews for Jesus have been running a major recruitment drive lately. Most nights, as I head to the metro, there are two or three of them standing around outside, politely handing out literature and wearing their yellow Jews for Jesus T-shirts.

Well, this morning, as I came off the escalator to walk the rest of the way to work, I heard obnoxious shouting and looked over to find a morning commuter trying to completely shout down one of the Jews for Jesus. I didn't catch the substance of the discussion--frankly, all the yelling hurt my ears--but I did catch snippets of "it's people like you," "go to Hell," and "mother fucking." (In other words, I think it was a highly productive argument.)

Come on, people, don't you think 9 a.m. on a Friday morning is just too damn early for virulent religious debate? I mean, I'm still hungover, fer cryin out loud.


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