Friday, December 03, 2004

UGGly fashion

I hate Ugg boots. They've made my blood boil at each new viewing even since their introduction back into fashion a couple years ago. Even adorable Kate Hudson couldn't convince me to like them. Not that I'm any kind of fashionista--I think my last shopping trip was last MLK day--but they just don't GO with anything. So when I got on the elevator this morning next to a lovely young woman wearing a sassy skirt and full-on, lace-up Uggs, I almost gagged.

Why the aversion to this trend? They remind me of the "fashionable" puffy boots I wore in 1984 in tribute to little Cindel in the "Ewok Adventure." (Don't remember it? It was a made-for-TV movie about Star Wars' Ewoks.) Running around in the woods, pretending I was a human girl stuck on Endor was the only thing that made me feel like those boots were cool back then. Somehow, even the thought of running around in them in the woods can't make them cool for me today.

They still make me shudder.


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