Friday, January 14, 2005

Friday snark

Isn't Friday supposed to be the best day of the week?

You know, TGIF and all that. Party time, start of the weekend, last day of work for two (or in this case, three) more days.

But apparently, this city has a case of the Friday snarks.

Maybe it was the shitty weather that made everyone crankers this morning. Maybe it was the fact that we're still collectively digging out from under a pile of work that somehow stacked up over the holiday weeks. Or maybe everyone's still just really pissed off that next week is the Inauguration and we're all going to have to put up with road closures, metro delays, and crowds of extra people.

Whatever the cause, we're in a funk. But I propose this: Let's make this weekend a snark-free zone. Starting at Happy Hour tonight, lasting through "Medium" on Monday night, I hearby declare that there shall be no snark.

Snark to recommence officially on Tuesday morning.


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