Friday, May 13, 2005

And because it's always good to laugh at yourself...

...I'm sharing with you the presentation that one colleague of mine suggested I give at Career Day. Perhaps I should have taken his advice.
Hi I'm Sarah. I'm a non-profit professional. If you like working hard for little money and few benefits, then my career is right for you. Yesterday, I got to dress up and pass out coffee bags and invitations to members of Congress. It was fun until we were evacuated and all hell broke loose. Luckily, I'm a fast walker and was able to make all my visits much faster than my colleagues so I was not in the buildings when this all happened. Today I learned that we're all different since I was able to participate in Diversity Training. I learned that black people, white people, hispanics, asians, and others aren't all the same. It took 8 hours of my day and no lunch provided to figure this out. But thank goodness I learned this because I was going to see if my former officemate wanted to go to an Irish restaurant and eat corn beef and cabbage. I learned asians prefer rice and noodles so I decided not to ask him. Wheeew! Anyway, I hope that I've taught you about my career. By the way, we're hiring!
Chuckle. Chuckle. Chuckle.


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