Friday, May 20, 2005

On the topic of squirrels...

I sent my father the website from YouTwo's post, along with the article Sarah reference about the black squirrels. His response*:

I went to that site... Creepy!!!... We're sticking to just providing Peanuts and the squirrels can get their own clothes and furniture.


It's like "Squirrels in the News Week"... I was watching CNN and their White House reporter, Ed Henry, was on the lawn of the WH talking about Stem Cell Research. Three Muldoons were running around in the back ground and then they ran toward him. While he didn't flinch or skip a beat he did look down at his feet and smile at someone off camera like something funny had just happened. In the rest of his report he looked down a couple of times and appear amused.

Could it be the little rodents are trying to influence the news?

*The actual Muldoons are a famiy of squirrels who live in my parent's backyard - the ones at the White House are distant relatives. I'll explain more fully later.


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