Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Ant Update: Victory At Hand

So since YouTwo asked me at dinner last night how the ants were, I thought I should provide an update to all.

In short: they are gone.

Shortly after writing the original ant post, I went on a trip up to Wisconsin. YouTwo was kind enough to help out with Casey. On my return, he informed me that he had killed several ants on her bowl and a few more on the counter. And they were still hanging out, so I could see my problem was not yet over.

Then they just vanished.

I'm not sure if it was the hot weather, or the exceptionally high air conditioning in the house, or if they just conceded defeat. But they're gone. I'm hoping they aren't just on vacation, throwing back mai tais and eating kabobs on the beach, waiting to catch the next train back up the coast and get back to work, but it definitely has been a loooong vacation if that's the case.


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