Friday, September 09, 2005

Five things

About my new home in Evanston.

1. The house is ginormous, to use a favored OtherGus word. You could fit the entire downstairs of my Arlington apartment in the living room. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but it's still really freaking huge.

2. With great size comes great responsibility. Responsibility, that is, in maintaining what seems like thousands of locks inside and outside the house. My key ring now has SEVEN keys--I don't even know what they all open just yet. I feel like a janitor.

3. When I first moved in, my room was pepto-bismol pink. That lasted all of 24 hours, and now is a subtle pale yellow/off white color.

4. I am 12 blocks from the lake. It's a far walk, but since the weather has been so gorgeous, it's a walk I don't mind. I may feel differently in, say, January. But September sun agrees with me.

5. I've seen a disportianate number of mentally ill/mentally disabled/homeless people around. I'm not sure if that's because I take walks with Casey through questionable neighborhoods, or if it's a bigger sign of the vast discrepancy between the extreme wealth of Evanston and lack of good social services. (Based on a conversation with my new roommate, it sounds like there isn't enough money for the city to pay for some basic things. But I'm not sure how accurate that is.)

All in all, a good start to a new journey. I think I can live here for a year or so.


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