Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's the little things

At least, that's what Rob likes to tell me. I don't know why I'm shocked whenever I confirm that it's true.

The last week and a half have been quite an adjustment--new place, new traffic patterns, parking issues, house issues, dog walking routes, new grocery stores and bank accounts and student IDs and so much freaking crap I have to do every day that I am practically begging for the comfort of my old routine back. It's not that I don't like it here--I haven't officially decided that yet--it's more that everything is so unfamiliar that it makes me want to curl up in my bed for hours, simply because it's the only thing I recognize.

But last night, an oasis.

I made a trip to Dominick's, which is the Chicago version of Safeway. I can't tell you how good it felt to browse aisles with familiar signs. I picked up products I love and use regularly (i.e., Safeway brand raisin bran). I bought a Dominick's fresh baked cookie, which used to be part of my weekly shopping trip back in Virginia. It tasted just like home. The man who bagged my groceries even smiled at me and asked me if I needed assistance with my groceries outside. I went home a happy camper.

Yeah, I suppose it is the little things, so I might as well enjoy them when I get 'em.


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