Friday, October 28, 2005

Free money!

As a student, you live for found money. Discover a $1 bill in the coat you haven't worn for a year? Ecstacy. Recover $5 bucks from the jeans you wore three weeks ago and forgot about? Beer worthy. Find $20 in the depths of your closet? It's time to go shopping!

Money is definitely harder to come by these days. Looking at my checkbook is a depressing activity--watching as the balance shrinks more each day without hope of replenishment until January 2 when round 2 of student loans kicks in.

So you can only imagine my pure, unadulterated delight when I logged on to my DC-based bank account and discovered that my balance was not $100 but over $1,000! Thanks to the modern day miracles of direct deposit and the joys of paid vacation days, I am now a rich woman. Granted, my last day of work was two full months ago to the day, but hot damn, better late than never.

Hallelujah! Baby needs a new pair of shoes!


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