Monday, December 18, 2006

Music Bah Humbug

Ever since the power outlet in my car went kaput and effectively squelched my iPod usage, I've been forced to endure the radio on my long drives home. Driving through long, remote stretches of Indiana and Ohio, this can be an interesting adventure.

As I frantically searched for a station today on my drive, all I could find was... Christmas music.

Now, I like a good dose of Christmas music as much as anyone else. I'm a huge fan of the albums we listened to when I was a kid (one of which Gus wrote about a couple years back), and Manheim Steamroller has been a regular holiday staple for me. But exactly how many stations can survive playing nothing but Christmas music all the time?

Seriously, of the eight or nine stations I could get to come in around the Toledo area, at least four or five were all-X-Mas, all-the-time. (The rest were country, which didn't help the situation.)

So I may be a bit of a Scrooge--it's hard to get into the holiday spirit when it's 45 degrees and you're stuck in the car for six hours. And actually, I probably wouldn't mind getting a carol or two sandwiched between some JT or Kelly Clarkson. But nonstop Christmas?? From Thanskgiving all the way through December 25?? It just seems too much.

I'm switching to NPR.

(Handy station link compliments of a story from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. More grousing about Christmas music can be found here, too.)


Anonymous Play Blackjack said...

Really and as I have not guessed earlier

9:48 AM  

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