
Ok, I don't know that I'm actually revived--I've been traveling like a circus carney--but I am, at least, returned to the blogosphere. I've been handing out excuses for not writing: tired, too busy, cranky... but I suppose they all are really nice ways of saying LAME. When even your parents complain (nicely) that you're being lame, you KNOW you're being lame.
So here it is, as promised--my first blog entry in months. Since I don't have anything particularly enlightening to share with you all (I am, after all, still very cranky), I thought I'd show a few new pics. Since my last post, I have painted my bedroom and purchased new bedroom furniture. I've also added a few new decorative touches to the living space, so I've captured those in a couple of photos, too.
Follow the link on the picture to the full set--I've tried to put in a few "before" and "afters." Yes, I know they're not that different... but I'm working on it. I have a paint color purchased for the living room, I just need to get someone to come over and do it!!
Other plans in the works... patio furniture (I have a grill and a firepit but nowhere to sit. Fortunately, it's too hot to sit outside right now anyway.) A bakers rack for the corner of the "dining room." Furniture for the back bedroom, including an armoire, a queen-sized futon that pulls straight out, a tufted ottomon with zebra stripes, and a plush rug. That should take me until about... oh, 2010 or so.
Enjoy the pics. I'll think of something witty and fun to talk about shortly.
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