Friday, September 14, 2007

50 First Dates

Dating is like the age-old question: How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Tootsie Roll lollie pop?

(And stop thinking of this in dirty terms, you friends of mine with dark minds. I'm being clean here.)

Seriously, when thinking of the great wide world of dating, have you ever considered or wondered just how many dates or potentials you need to meet before you find someone that you make a connection with?

Almost two months ago, I decided that I had no one but myself to blame for my stagnant social life. Since going out is what begets more going out, I knew I had to do something to get the ball rolling. So I did the unthinkable: I joined

(and no, I'm not sharing my profile here with you. Those of you savvy enough to navigate the frightening waters of social networking can find me on your own.)

The experience hasn't been a bad one. To the contrary, I have met some very nice, genuine, cute boys. But I just haven't found the connection. Or even A connection. You know what I mean, the little zing, the spark, the butterflies--the zsa zsa as Carrie on Sex and the City called it. And the thing is, when you're meeting a lot of people and coming up empty handed, the finger of doubt immediately goes pointing back at you. Am I too picky? What's wrong with me that I can't connect with this person or that person? Am I looking in the wrong place or in the wrong way or is it even that I look wrong??

I was talking with my friend JB about the issue, and she raised a good point: Everyone--on both sides of the dating equation--deserves to find someone who feels the zsa zsa in return. And if it isn't felt on one side, it isn't an indictment of either person, just an indicator of broken or missing chemistry. It's no one's fault, it doesn't make you a bad person or the other person "unworthy"--just not a good fit.

And so you keep on meeting people until finally you find the zsa zsa.

The answer to the question, in case you were wondering, is that it all depends on the Tootsie consumer. One person may diligently slurp, shrinking the candy one microscopic layer at a time, while another circumvents the system altogether, biting into the crispy shell and going straight for the surprise inside.

I think I'm somewhere in-between, so I guess I'll just keep at it. Sooner or later, I'll get to the gooey center.


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