Monday, December 03, 2007

What can Brown do?

Another long neglected post... I painted my living room, oh, sometime around Labor Day. And I have yet to solicit feedback on the earthy brown color.

I'm not sure these photos do it justice. It's somewhere between caramel and pumpkin--a brown shade with an orange undertone. At first, I hated it. When the second coat went up and I sat down on the floor to admire my handiwork, I was horrified.

But now, I'm starting to get used to it--I don't mind it nearly as much. And I actually think that once I get around to putting some artwork on the walls, the color will be a nice complement to the rest of the room. My goal was to create a space that felt really warm and cozy. It's not perfect, but at least it has more character than the original color.

What do you think?? Should I change it again?


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