Thursday, May 15, 2008


"Six minute folks, to the front. Six minute runners. Seven minute runners."

Should we move back? We might be too close. I don't run that fast, we'll get run over. We could just stand here on the side and wait for people to go by. There's the air horn, time to head off! Shoulder to shoulder, stacked on top of each other. Close to the starting line. Here's the timing pad, start running now! Wonder if my chip registered? Would just figure if it didn't, go through all the trouble to get one and then there's some software glitch. Focus now, gotta settle into a pace. Nice slow hill to start. I lost my friends... that's OK, this has to be my race. Should have brought my iPod, help set my stride. Listen to the crowd instead...

Humming, buzzing. Rhythmic footfalls, one-two, one-two, multiplied times 1,000. A cavalry of people. Heavy breathing, panting, echoes all around me. Idle chatter from a group of friends running together. Policeman on the corner, holding back a line of cars. Bet they're pissed, I'm toward the middle of the pack, they'll be there a while...

Mile marker one and I'm feeling good. Does that say nine minutes? Yup. That says nine minutes. Doing better than I thought. Feeling strong. Pick out a girl ahead, follow her. Dodging the boy in front of me. Blackburn hill ahead--this won't be so bad. Lean in, Sarah told me, lean into it and it won't be so bad. Halfway up, breathing harder now. Legs still moving. Made it up. Feeling strong. Very strong. Take it up a notch, huh? Pick out a new mark, the girl in the yellow shirt looks good...

Rounding the curve, almost to the Trail now. How far have we gone? Did I miss the mile 2 marker? Water stop, I don't need it. Let's hit the trail. Narrow space, running around people, dodging pets. Some unfortunate Trail walkers walking against the flow. A lot of us, a few of them. Guy in red shirt, he's got a good pace. Hm, cramp coming on. Breathe through it. In, count footsteps one two three four, out count footsteps one two three four. In...

Think my pace is good. Is that man running toward me already finished? And circling back the other way again? Damn, that's just unnatural. Pass over Lemmon, getting close to the end I think. Where will we stop? Passing on the left. Hit the soft trail, it's easier on your feet. I feel light as air anyway. Gliding along. Final time sign, three mile marker. Twenty five? No way. Tenth of a mile to go, turn it ON. Pump legs. I still have juice left, make 'em work for it. Push push push push...

Beeping, beeping, beeping, chips beeping as we all cross the finish line. My face must be red, keep walking, keep walking, get some water, deep breaths...

Legs tightening up a bit, lactic acid settling in. Should stretch. Can't. Too wound up. Ready to do the next one. Well, maybe not now. Endorphins pumping into my blood, euphoria taking over...

Smile, look around the herd. It's good to be alive.


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